About Dr.Ankita

Hi all, meet Dr. Ankita Patel. She is a physiotherapist by profession and fitness expert by passion and profession.

As Physiotherapists, she has in-depth knowledge of how the body works using principle of bio – mechanics or kinesiology. She has specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess, diagnose, and treat symptoms of illness or injury and she helped patients recover from injuries and disabilities ranging from back pain, neck pain, knees pain to ligament issues.

She also realized that to make a different to her patients, she would have to start acknowledging a bitter truth: that our profession is no longer interested in addressing the cause of disease. Instead, it wastes much of its time and many of its resources attempting to treat symptoms.

As a physio, she realized that there are common reasons, for both chronic and acute problems such as back pain, neck pain, and knees pain to ligament issues, which are lack of physical activity and overweight.

Above has motivation for her that as a physiotherapist she can play a key role in enabling people to improve their health, wellbeing and quality of life by training people using principles of physiotherapy and providing nutrition support.
She is an energy coach and she believes that one can transform the mind, starting with the body and healthy diet with an experience of over 6 years in fitness industries. Her sessions are a mix of mobility from yoga, strength and endurance from compound movements based on functional training principles and skill-based techniques that will stimulate cognition, breath and body awareness, coordination and most of all, make one feel alive!

She believes in diet as a part of one’s entire lifestyle and not just one attribute that can be measured through a weighing scale. She suggests holistic approach to health includes sustainable long- term lifestyle changes instead of temporary fad diets to lose weight. Start your journey towards ‘gaining health’ and reversing your lifestyle diseases by signing up today.

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else; it is about being better than you used to be!”